Cornerstone of Southern California, Celebrating 40 Years

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 and Cornerstone Of Southern California’s Responsibility to Our Clients and Employees.

From the first days of the pandemic, Cornerstone’s top priority has been to keep our clients and employees safe from COVID-19.

We were founded in 1984 by a physician, Michael Stone, who remains Cornerstone’s Chairman and Chief Medical Officer. As a physician-led company, Cornerstone has always followed the most current medical and scientific research appropriate to Cornerstone’s medical and therapeutic practices. With its foundation based on science, the dangers of the COVID-19 virus were immediately apparent to us, and the need to protect ourselves from it was critical.

As we continued to learn about the COVID-19 virus, we closely followed the development of the science of the vaccines available and believed them to be the most effective way to protect our families, which include our employees and clients. With that strong conviction and our continued commitment to protecting the health and safety of our clients and employees, we instituted an employment policy earlier this year requiring all Cornerstone employees to be vaccinated.

The data says we are all safer when we’re all vaccinated and we can now say that today, all Cornerstone employees are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We have facilitated getting COVID vaccinations for all clients, we routinely test all clients for the virus, and we offer vaccinations to all new clients if they are unvaccinated prior to admission.

Our reasoning for doing this is simple; our greatest responsibility is to our Cornerstone family which includes both our employees and clients. It’s to give you the peace of mind knowing Cornerstone is doing its best to keep your loved ones in the safest place possible during their journey toward leading a healthy and full life.


Cornerstone of Southern California is continuing to monitor the rapidly changing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We are monitoring state and federal health agency recommendations, as well as recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure that we have the most up-to-date information to guide our policies and procedures.

It is our top priority to keep our patients and employees safe from the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are closely following events and implementing internal protocols to minimize the risks of contracting and spreading COVID-19 including:

  • All staff and guests entering our facilities are screened and their temperatures are taken every day. Anyone deemed a possible risk to our patients or staff is not allowed into the facility.
  • Physical Distancing protocols have been put into place and are continually enforced.
  • All staff and patients wear face masks or coverings when within 6 feet of another person in all of our facilities.
  • Our admissions department is ensuring that we are receiving information on incoming patients that includes inquiries about recent travel, above-average temperatures as well as experiencing flu and flu-like symptoms.
  • All new patients are tested for COVID-19 upon arrival at Cornerstone.
  • We have implemented Virtual Outpatient programming throughout Cornerstone’s system including our bi-weekly family nights to allow our families to continue participation in our family therapy, skills, and support sessions.
  • Our Environment of Care team continues to maintain a safe and sanitary environment including increasing the provision of supplies that support prevention, i.e., face masks and coverings, gloves, hand sanitizer, and sanitizer stations throughout the facility, including continually enforcing hand-washing initiatives.
  • We have increased cleaning and maintenance for a complete and thorough wipe down of all residences and common areas.
  • Our staff is performing continuous disinfection of common area surfaces and other areas where infection can be transmitted, i.e., doorknobs, light switches, and flat surfaces.
  • We have developed specific health and safety protocols for any patients presenting with flu-like symptoms, including emergency quarantine protocols.
  • We are ensuring that our employees have the information they need to stay healthy and to stay home if they are not feeling well.

Cornerstone continues to monitor the guidance from the CDC, State, Federal, and all appropriate local agencies. We value and have always been committed to the well-being and safety of our patients and employees. We remain diligent in our efforts to keep them as safe from this virus as possible.